Optimising levels of service

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When it comes to service, Neuro CRM lets you manage and maintain it at different levels throughout multiple channels. It integrates different processes such as support requests, ticket processing and self-help.

  • Support RequestSupport Request

    Support Request

    Feature for customers to submit service requests

  • Self HelpSelf Help

    Self Help

    Customers can login submit service specific request. Auto routing based on work flow

  • Multi ChannelMulti Channel

    Multi Channel

    Service requests can be captured via web, call centre, branch/location ,SMS and Mobile App

  • IntegrateIntegrate


    Integrate with existing ERP solutions to show product/service purchased information

  • Ticket ProcessTicket Process

    Ticket Process

    All support requests mapped to departments, carry unique ID, traceable across the system with full track record, history

We offer lucrative deals because we understand your ROI. Customer satisfaction is the fundamental to doing our business.